DACE Scheme for Civil Services-The Scheme is launched by Ambedkar Foundation at 31 central universities for UPSC Civil Service coaching. The grant of Rs.75,000 is given to every students who takes the coaching. The scheme was launched in BHU on 22 April 2022.
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The Dr Ambedkar Foundation (DAF) has been established in the 21 universities or institutions. DAF is committed to provide the civil service coaching to marginalized communities of the society. So it developed these coaching centres at 31 central Universities.

For conducting coaching in these institutions the university or institutions must possess necessary infrastructure such as separate classrooms, Library, Hi Speed Wifi connectivity and other necessary equipment’
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Eligibility For DACE Scheme for Civil Services
The candidates who want to avail this scheme of free coaching must have achieved required percentage
The scheme is open only for SC students so students certificates will be examined by the concerned university
The candidates must ensure that he/she has not availed any other monetary benefit of other scheme
The seats allotted in every university is 100 and 33 percent seats are reserved for female candidates of SC
For Universities
The university will appoint program coordinator from its permanent faculty who will be given honorarium or special pay of Rs.20,000
The university will appoint three teachers who are professional in this teaching
It is important for teachers to be available 6 hours daily in the university
The Coordinator of Program will submit the report through registrar indicating the performance of each candidates.State University Andhra Pradesh Central Tribal University of AP Central university of Andhra Pradesh Assam Tezpur University Assam University Bihar Central University of South Bihar Chhatisgarh Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya Gujrat Central University of Gujrat Haryana Central University of Haryana Himachal Pradesh Central University of HP Jharkhand Central University of Jharkhand Karnataka Central University of Karnataka Kerala Central University of Kerala Madhya Pradesh Dr Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak Maharashtra Mahatrama Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi vishwadvidyalay Wardha Manipur Manipur University Meghalaya North Eastern Hill University odisha Central University of Odisha Punjab Central University of Punjab Rajasthan Central University of Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Central University of TN Telangana English and Foreign Languages University Uttar Pradesh Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University BHU Allahabad University Uttarakhand Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University Pondicherry Pondicherry University J&K Central University of Jammu Delhi University of Delhi IGNOU