
CSIR NET 2023 important thing you should know

CSIR NET 2023 important thing you should know

CSIR NET 2023 important thing you should know. The National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducting the Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination in December 2023. This exam is conducted to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and for Lectureship (LS) /Assistant Professor in Indian Universities and Colleges in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.

There are 225 exam centres in India where a candidate can appear for the exam. The candidate has the freedom to choose four cities according to its preference to appear in the exam

The entire application process for Joint CSIR-UGC NET December 2023 is online, including uploading of scanned images, payment of fees, and printing of Confirmation Page, Admit Card, etc

CSIR NET 2023 important thing you should know

Online applications for JRF/NET are held twice a year on an all-India basis through Press Notification of Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF and LS/AP.

The final submission of the application will be complete only the when fee is paid.

The Candidate should not give the postal address, Mobile Number or e-mail ID of the Coaching Centre in the Online Application Form. In order to appear in Joint CSIR-UGC NET December 2023, the candidates are required to apply ‘online’. The Application Form other than online mode shall not be accepted. No change will be accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application including email etc.

A candidate can fill out only one application. Multiple applications by the same candidate are liable to be rejected.

CSIR UGC NET 2023 Admit Card

It can be downloaded from the NTA website only. A copy of this admit card should be retained by the candidates and paste a passport-size photograph on it.


The bag will not be allowed inside the examination hall

Inside the examination Hall

  • The candidate must sign and paste the photograph on the Attendance Sheet at the appropriate place.
  • The candidate should ensure that the question paper available on the computer is as per the opted Examination indicated in the Admit Card. In case, the subject of the question paper is other than the opted Examination, the same may be brought to the notice of the Invigilator concerned

Role of Common Service Centre

The Candidates who cannot process the online application due to various constraints can use the services of the Common Services Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India under the Digital India initiatives. There are 1.5 lakh common service centres in India. The Common Services Centre (CSC) scheme is a part of the ambitious National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of the Government of India and is managed at each village panchayat level by a Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE)

CSIR UGC NET 2023 Schedule

Application Opens1-Nov-23
Last Date of Application30-Nov-23
Last Date of Fee Payment30-Nov-23
Correction window2-4 Dec 23
Exam Date26,27,28 December
Mode of ExamCBT
Duration180 Minutes(3 Hours)
Exam PatternMCQ

Test Paper

Chemical Sciences
Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
Life Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Physical Sciences

Application Fee

Third GenderRs.275

It is important to note that a large number of JRFs are awarded each year by CSIR to candidates holding BS-4 years program/ BE/ B.Tech./ B. Pharma/ MBBS/ Integrated BS-MS/M.Sc. or Equivalent degree/ B.Sc. (Hons) or equivalent degree holders or students enrolled in integrated MSPh.D. program with at least 55%^ marks for General/General-EWS & (50%^ for OBCNCL/SC/ST/Third gender candidates and Persons with Disability) after qualifying the Test conducted by NTA on behalf of CSIR twice a year in June and December.

Eligible for Lectureship and Assistant professor

Those who qualify for JRF are eligible for Lectureship/Assistant Professor also, provided they fulfil the eligibility requirement as laid down by UGC. Candidates opting for Lectureship/Assistant Professor only as a preference in their online application form will not be considered for JRF (even if the marks are above the JRF cut-off). The validity of the qualifying certificate of Lectureship/Assistant Professor is forever.


The Rs.37,000 per month for two years will be paid as a stipend to JRF selected through CSIR- National Eligibility Test (NET). In addition, an annual contingent grant of Rs. 20,000/- is reimbursed directly to the fellow. The Fellowship will be governed by terms and conditions of CSIR, UGC or Research Scheme, as applicable.


The candidate must indicate his/her preference in the Online Application, as the case may be. If a candidate applies for JRF and fulfils the laid down eligibility criteria for Lectureship/Assistant Professor, such a candidate will be considered for both JRF & LS/Assistant Professor.

Candidates with M.Sc. qualification OR under M.Sc. Result Awaited (RA)/Enrolled category shall be eligible for Lectureship (LS)/Assistant Professor subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down by the UGC.

B.E./ B.S./ B.Tech./ B.Pharma/ MBBS final year/result awaited candidates are eligible to apply for fellowship only. These candidates will not be eligible for Lectureship/Assistant professor.

Who cannot apply?

B.Sc. (Hons.) final year/Result awaited candidates are not eligible to apply.

Age Limit

Upper Age limit:

(a) JRF: Maximum 28 years as of 01/07/2023 {upper age limit may be relaxable up to 5 years in case of SC/ST/Third gender/Persons with Disability (PwD) / female applicants and 03 years in case of OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) applicants}.

(b) Lectureship (LS)/ Assistant Professor: No upper age limit.

A pattern of question paper

PaperPart APart BPart CTotal
CHEMICAL SCIENCES (701)204060120
Max No of Questions to attempt15352575
Marks for each correct answer224200
Marks for each incorrect answer (Negative marking for part A, B & C is @ 25%)0.50.51
PaperPart APart BPart CTotal
Max No of Questions to attempt15352575
Marks for each correct answer224200
Marks for each incorrect answer (Negative marking for part A & B is @ 25% and part C is @ 33%) 
PaperPart APart BPart CTotal
Life Science205075145
Max No of Questions to attempt15352575
Marks for each correct answer224200
Marks for each incorrect answer (Negative marking for part A, B & C is @ 25%)0.50.51 
PaperPart APart BPart CTotal
Max No of Questions to attempt15252060
Marks for each correct answer234.75200
Marks for each incorrect answer (Negative marking in Part A & B is @ 25%; no negative marking in Part C)0.50.750 
PaperPart APart BPart CTotal
Max No of Questions to attempt15202055
Marks for each correct answer23.55200
Marks for each incorrect answer (Negative marking for part A, B & C is @ 25%)0.50.8751.25 

What do these subjects contain?

Part ‘A’ shall be common to all subjects. This part shall contain questions pertaining to General Aptitude with emphasis on logical reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, quantitative comparison, series formation, puzzles etc.

Part ‘B’ shall contain subject-related conventional Multiple-Choice questions (MCQs), generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

Part ‘C’ shall contain higher-order questions that may test the candidate’s knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. The questions shall be of an analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

Before filling up application form be ready with these following documents

  • Copy of Board/ University Certificate for Candidate’s Name, Mother’s Name, Father’sName and Date of Birth
  • Type of Identification – Bank A/c passbook with photograph/ Passport Number/ RationCard/ Aadhaar Card Number/Voter ID Card Number/ Other Govt ID
  • Qualifying Degree Certificate or last semester marks sheet
  • Your Mailing Address as well as Permanent Address with PIN code
  • Four cities for Centres of your choice
  • Code of Joint CSIR-UGC NET Subject
  • Category Certificate, if applicable
  • Self-Declaration Minority Community Certificate, if applicable
  • Result Awaited Certificate, if applicable
  • Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate, if applicable
  • Person with Disability (PwD) Certificate, if applicable
  • e-mail address and Mobile Number of candidate v Scanned images in JPG format only

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