
DU Competence Enhancement Scheme 2024-25: Check Eligibility, Fee

Competence Enhancement Scheme

DU Competence Enhancement Scheme 2024- The place for knowledge enhancement of any course. The course will tentatively start from July 22 onwards

The application form has opened on June 10 and will be closed on June 25. This is open for any students or person from any university or institution to do enhancement.

Enhance student mobility by allowing students enrolled in other universities/institution to avail the opportunity of studying one to two papers in a semester from the University of Delhi without having to enroll for a programme of study.

Competence Enhancement Scheme

Enable the society at large to cope up with ever evolving needs of business/work space.

Number of papers offered to a candidate: A candidate shall be permitted to register for a maximum of two papers or eight credits in a semester from the same discipline.

DU Competence Enhancement Scheme 2024 Eligibility

Candidates who fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria and pre-requisites, if any, specified for an existing course, can register for a paper in that course, subject to the availability of seats. Admission shall be done based on merit. The merit shall be decided on the basis of the candidates’ age and the marks percentage obtained in the qualifying degree.

Registration to a course: Registration to a course shall be done based on merit. A candidate who is already enrolled in any other University/institution as a regular student or an employed personnel, would be required to submit a No objection Certificate from the parent University/institution or his/her employer, as the case may be, at the time of registration.

DU Competence Enhancement Scheme Course fee


Award of Certificate & Credits:

Candidate’s On fulfilling the criteria norms as laid down the University, candidate who registered for 1-2 papers, after successful completion of the same, the credits earned shall be deposited in his/her account in the Academic Bank of Credits and a certificate shall also be issued after fulfilling attendance criteria and successfully completing the evaluation process as applied to the regular students

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