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CDS Exam for Defence Entry

CDS Exam for Defence entry

CDS Exam for defence entry. The UPSC conducts this exam every year for the recruitment of candidates in the Army, Navy, Airforce and Officer Training Academy. Candidates can only apply by visiting the official website of UPSC. This exam is conducted twice a year.

Candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully before applying to the concerned department.

The number of intakes in all the defence forces is as follows

Indian Military Academy 100
Indian Naval Academy 22
Air Force 32
OTA 170
Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Madras) 17
Educational Qualifications for CDS :
For I.M.A. and Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai — Degree of a recognised University or equivalent.
For Indian Naval Academy— Degree in Engineering from a recognised University/Institution
For Air Force Academy—Degree of a recognised University (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering.

Check NDA NA Cut Off Marks and Payscale

Candidates are required to apply online by using the website Brief instructions for filling up the online Application Form have been given in Appendix-II (A). Detailed instructions are available on the above-mentioned website.
The Commission has introduced the facility of withdrawal of Applications for those candidates who do not want to appear for the Examination. In this regard, Instructions are mentioned in Appendix II (B) of this Examination Notice.
Candidate should have details of one Photo ID Card viz. Aadhaar Card/Voter Card/PAN Card/Passport/Driving Licence/Any other Photo ID Card issued by the State/Central Government. The details of this Photo ID Card will have to be provided by the candidate while filling up the online application form. The candidates will have to upload a scanned copy of their Photo ID whose details have been provided in the online application by him/her. This Photo ID Card will be used for all future referencing and the candidate is advised to carry this Photo ID Card while appearing for the Examination/Personality Test/SSB.

Admit Card
Admit cards will be released to the eligible candidates three weeks before the commencement of the examination. The e-Admit Card will be made available on the UPSC website ( for downloading by candidates.
No e-Admit Card will be sent by post.

Age Criteria
IMA-Unmarried male candidates should be 19-24 years
Indian Naval Academy-Unmarried male candidates 19-22 years.
Air Force Academy-20 to 24 years (Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot Licence issued by

DGCA (India) is relaxable up to 26 yrs. only are eligible.

Note: Candidates below 25 years of age must be unmarried. Marriage is not permitted during training. Married candidates above 25 years of age are eligible to apply but during the training period they will neither be provided married accommodation nor can they live with family outside of the premises.

Officers’ Training Academy—(SSC Course for men) unmarried male candidates should be between 19-25 only are eligible.
Officers’ Training Academy—(SSC Women Non-Technical Course) Unmarried women, issueless widows who have not remarried and issueless divorcees (in possession of divorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should be 19-25 years.

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