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CBSE CTET Exam Check eligibility


CBSE CTET Exam. The CBSE conducts this EligibilityTest in two shifts for CTET Paper I and Paper II. CTET Paper 1 is for candidates who want to become a teacher of Classes I-V and CTET Paper 2 is for Classes VI-VIII teachers.

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Eligibility Criteria (Classes I to V)


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Central Teacher Eligibility Test Paper II  (Classes VI to VIII)




Note: Reserved categories candidates SC/ ST/ OBC/ Differently-Abled categories will be given a relaxation of 5% of marks in the minimum marks required in educational qualification. 

CTET Exams-: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts the Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET) for primary and upper primary teachers to help candidates gain eligibility to apply for recruitment in KVS/NVS/Misc schools.

The July exam was to be held on 5th July, but the exam was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CBSE will announce the new CTET exam date soon on the official website


CTET 2023 will be conducted on 20 August 2023

Admit card 2023 will be released on 18 August 2023, the candidate will be able to download it from the official website

Test paper

The CBSE conducts this EligibilityTest in two shifts for CTET Paper I and Paper II. CTET Paper 1 is for candidates who want to become a teacher of Classes I-V and CTET Paper 2 is for Classes VI-VIII teachers.

Why CTET is important

CTET Eligibility certificate is a ticket for the aspirants to secure a teaching job in any Government or private school. Candidates who qualify for the CTET exam become eligible to apply for recruitment in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya or any other Central School by applying to their respective recruitment drive.

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