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C-DAC PG Diploma Admissions 2024: Apply for Career-Focused 24-Week Courses by Dec 30

C-DAC PG Diploma Admissions 2024

C-DAC PG Diploma Admissions 2024

Admissions are open for career-oriented full-Time PG Diploma courses lasting 24 weeks. The Last Date of Registration is December 30, 2024.   These 14 PG Diploma Courses are designed for graduates in engineering (Selected Streams) or Postgraduates in Science in selected discipline and M. C. A. for details on common eligibility and course- Specific requirements. 

Selection will be based on C-CAT Exam. So Apply for All diploma courses candidates need to register on C- CAT.

Also Read :- C-DAC Bangalore Jobs 2024: Apply Online for 165 Vacancies

C-DAC PG Diploma Admissions 2024: Important Dates 

Particulars Dates / Details 
Last date of online Registration December 30, 2024
C-DAC Common Admission Test Dates
C- CAT I Exam DateJanuary 11, 2025
C-CAT II Exam Date  January 12, 2025
Course Commencement Date – February 25, 2025
C- CAT Registration Link 
Official Website –

All Post Graduate Diploma Offers by ICT 

Educational Qualification and Total Course Fee 

Diploma Courses Educational Qualification Total Course Fee + GST
PG- DACGraduation Degree in Engineering OR  MCA, MCM  OR  Post Graduation Degree in Management and Graduation degree in IT. INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG DASSDGraduation Degree in Engineering OR  MCA 
Candidates must have minimum 55% in the qualifying degree. 
INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG- DMC (Mobile Computing)Graduate Degree in Engineering or Technology OR MSC/ MS in Computer Science, IT Electronics. OR Post Graduation degree in Mathematics/ Statistics. INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG – DVLSI Design Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR M.Sc. M. SC. In computer Science, IT, Electronics.
With minimum score 55% in qualifying degree.
INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG- DESD Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS in Computer Science, IT, Electronics. 

With minimum score 55% in qualifying degree.
INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG- DioT (Internet of Things)Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS  in Computer Science, IT, Electronics with Mathematics in 10+2
With minimum score 55% in qualifying degree.
INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG- DRAT (Robotics & Allied Technologies)Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS  in Computer Science, IT, Electronics with Mathematics in 10+2
With minimum score 55% in qualifying degree.
INR. 76,500/-
PG DUASP (Unmanned Aircraft System Programming)Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS  in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR MCA, MCM OR PG Degree in Management with Graduation in IT/ Computer Science /Computer Application. 
With minimum score 55% in qualifying degree.
INR. 50,000/-
PG Diploma In Artificial Intelligence  (PG DAI)Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS  in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR Graduation Degree in engineering. OR MCA. MCM
With minimum marks 60% in qualifying degree. 
INR. 1,50,000/- + GST
PG DBDA (Big Data Analytics)Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS  in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR Graduation Degree in engineering. OR  MCA. MCM OR
PG Degree in Management with Corresponding basic degree in Computer Science, IT, Computer Application. 
With minimum marks 55% in qualifying degree. 
INR 90, 000/-+ GST
PG-DHPCSA (High performance Computing System Administration)
Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS  in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR
Post Graduation Degree in Mathematics or allied Science OR
With minimum marks 55% in qualifying degree.
INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG-DITISS (IT Infrastructure, Systems and Security)  Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS  in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR
Post Graduation Degree in Mathematics or Statistics  OR
With minimum marks 55% in qualifying degree.
INR. 90,000/- + GST
PG-DCSF (Cyber Security & Forensics )

Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR
Graduate in any discipline fo Engineering OR
Post Graduation Degree in Physics / Mathematics or Statistics  OR
With minimum marks 60% in qualifying degree.
INR 76, 500/- + GST
PG-DFBD (FinTech & Blockchain Development)
Graduation degree in Engineering or Technology. OR MSC/MS in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR
Graduate in any discipline in Engineering OR
Post Graduation Degree in Physics / Mathematics or Statistics  OR
With minimum marks 60% in qualifying degree.
INR 1,25,000/- + GST

Course Offers At Various Centres.

Bengaluru  Bhubaneswar Chennai Guwahati Hyderabad  Indore Jaipur Karad Thiruvananthapuram  
Kochi  Kolkata Mumbai Nagpur  Nashik  New Delhi Noida Patna Pune Silchar  
PG- DUASP Courses is also available at the following NIELT Centres
Aurangabad Bhubaneswar Calicut Imphal  Srinagar 
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