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Discontinuation of B.Ed. Courses from the Next year 2025

B.Ed. Courses

B.Ed. Courses

B.Ed. Courses is the popular course amongst the students. A good number candidates pursue this course. But this course is being discontinued from next year i.e., 2025 onwards.

Earlier the B.Ed special course was discontinued and now this B.Ed course will be discontinued.

National Council for Teacher Education i.e. NCTE has issued a notification regarding this. From next year, four-year BA-B.Ed and B.Sc.B.Ed are being discontinued. Now an integrated teacher education program will be started in its place. With this the entire syllabus will be changed. Not only this, now not only BA and BSc students but also BCom students will be able to do this course. The government is trying to prepare new teachers under the new education policy

Deadline to discontinue the B.Ed course

NCTE has issued a general information regarding this matter. It has been told that currently BA-B.Ed and B.Sc-B.Ed are being run which will be last in this series of course. From next year 2025-26, new admissions will not be taken in these courses. ITEP will be implemented from next year. For this, all the educational institutions will have to go to the NCTE website and apply for the new course. The last date to apply has been fixed as March 5.

The UGC has in the recent past discontinued Mphil Degree course instead it laid out the rule that candidate with four year UG course can take admission to PhD through UGC NET entrance test

The question remains will the CTET exist or it will also be abolished from next year.

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