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Anna University Patent Agent short term course

Anna University Patent Agent short term course

Anna University Patent Agent short term course

Patent Agent Certificate course – The short term course is being provided for clearing the Patent Agent Certificate course. It is an online course which will be conducted between December 2 and December 31.

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The course helps candidates to clear the exam and be a patent agent.

It’s a guide to aspirant to clear the patent agent exam

Last date to apply 25 November 2024

The classes will be held online.

The total fee for this short term course is Rs.9440

Course content

Impart Basics of IPR

Patent Act and Patent Rules

Drafting complete specification

Case Studies and Analysis

Forms and Fee

MCQs for Paper I preparation

Design Act and Design Rules


Evaluation for Paper II

What is Patent Agent Exam – it is a six month course that is conducted online for offering certificate to practice as Patent agent in the market. The admission is offered once in a year.

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Who can apply For Anna University Patent Agent short term Courses ?

Minimum 21 years

Indian Nationality 

Minimum one science based graduation [degree in science, engineering or technology from any university established under law in India or possesses such other equivalent qualifications as the Central Government may specify in this behalf – BSc, MSc, B. Pharma, M. Pharma, BE, ME, B.Tech, M.Tech, PhD, MBBS etc (this is just a small list of degrees qualifying for Indian Patent Agent Exam and may not be complete. If you have any doubt about your degree, don’t hesitate to call IIPTA) Graduation should be complete. Final year candidates are also eligible as long as they are able to produce final degree, mark sheets etc within 2 months of declaration of the Patent Agent Exam result they are appearing for

Patent Agent Application form by Intellectual Property India Government of India

It generally releases 3 months before the exam dates.

Patent Agent

  1. Reading descriptions and discussing details of inventions.
  2. Undertaking searches to establish that inventions are different.
  3. Produce detailed and clear specifications of the invention.
  4. Submitting, defending and negotiating patent applications.
  5. Providing associated legal advice to the clients.
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