AMU University School Teacher Jobs- The Aligarh Muslim University is inviting application for the Primary,TGT and PGT for its schools.Even the OCI candidates can apply for these jobs. Candidates who apply for these jobs must have B.Ed degree with CTET score. Desirable qualification here is proficiency in English,Hindi and Urdu.
Also Read :- AMU Lanches 31 Free Open Online Courses
Last Date to apply – December 7 online mode

Last Date to apply by Hard copy – 17 December 2024
Pay Level-8 (Pay Range: ₹ 47600 – 151100) Plus Allowances
S.No. | NameofthePosts | NameoftheSchool | No.ofPost |
1. | PGT(Biology) | SeniorSecondarySchool(Girls) | (01) |
2. | PGT(Biology) | S.H.SeniorSecondarySchool(Boys) | (03) |
3. | PGT(Commerce) | SeniorSecondarySchool(Girls) | (01) |
4. | PGT(Commerce) | S.H.SeniorSecondarySchool(Boys) | (01) |
5. | PGT(Mathematics) | S.H.SeniorSecondarySchool(Boys) | (01) |
6. | PGT(Physics) | S.H.SeniorSecondarySchool(Boys) | (01) |
7. | PGT(Physics) | STSSchool | (01) |
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- Two years Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject.
Master Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects:Post Required subject in qualification PGT (Biology) Botany/Zoology/Life Sciences/Bio-Sciences/Genetics/Biology/ Bio-Technology/Molecular Bio/Plant Physiology provided they have studied Botany and Zoology at Graduation level. PGT (Commerce) Master’s Degree in Commerce. However, holder of Degrees of M.Com in Applied/Business Economics shall not be eligible PGT (Mathematics) Mathematics/Applied Mathematics PGT (Physics) Physics/Electronics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics
Knowledge of Computer Application.
Proficiency in Teaching in English, Hindi and Urdu medium.S.No. NameofthePosts NameoftheSchool No.ofPost 8. PGT(Fine Arts) SeniorSecondarySchool(Girls) (01)
TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHERSS.No. NameofthePosts NameoftheSchool No.ofPost 9. TGT(Hindi) AMUABKHigh School(Girls) (01) 10. TGT(Mathematics) AMUGirlsSchool (01) 11. TGT(Mathematics) STSSchool (01) 12. TGT(Science) AMUABKHigh School(Girls) (01) 13. TGT(Science) RMPSAMU CitySchool (01) 14. TGT(Urdu) AMUGirlsSchool (01)
Age-35 YearsPost Required subject in qualification TGT (Hindi) Hindi as a subject in all the three years TGT (Mathematics) Bachelor Degree in Maths with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics, Geology and Geography TGT (Science) Any two of the following : Physics, Botany, Zoology and Chemistry TGT (Urdu) Urdu as a subject in all the three years
PRIMARY TEACHERSS.No. NameofthePosts NameoftheSchool No.ofPost 15. PrimaryTeacher AMUGirlsSchool (02) 16. PrimaryTeacher AMUABKHighSchool(Girls) (02) 17. PrimaryTeacher AMUABKHighSchool(Boys) (01) 18. PrimaryTeacher AMUCityGirlsHighSchool (01)
Age Criteria
30 Years
- Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Graduation with atleast 50% marks and Bachelor of Education.
- Qualified in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by CBSE (CTET/UPTET)* Note :*Relaxation of two years w.e.f. 04.08.2022 is given to all working AMU School Teacher for attaining complete essential qualification in the light of the Office Memo issued vide D.No.(C)/1736 dated 04.08.2022. As per extract from the minutes of Special Meeting of the Executive Council held on 30.07.2024 under Item No.04, the house approved to grant one-time final relaxation for one year for acquiring UPTET/CTET.
S.No. | NameofthePosts | NameoftheSchool | No.ofPost |
19. | PrimaryTeacher(Arts) | AMUABKHighSchool(Boys) | (01) |
20. | PrimaryTeacher(Arts) | AMUABKHighSchool(Girls) | (01) |
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) (with Arts as a subject) with atleast 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) (with Arts as a subject) with atleast 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.E.Ed.)
Five years’ recognized Diploma in drawing and Painting/Sculpture/Graphic Art.
Recognized Bachelor’s Degree in drawing and Painting/Sculpture/Graphic Art.
B.A. (Fine Arts) with minimum one year teaching experience/Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Application Fee
No Fee for PWD candidates
Send the Application Form by Post, Complete in all respect to the following address: