The Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) is a mathematics competition conducted by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE). The INMO is held in five stages, and this is third stage for selecting candidates for further stage. The Top Students from the INMO (approximately 65) are invited for the fourth Stage, The International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC) held at HBCSE from April to May, 2025. The answer key for the INMO third stage 2025 is expected to be released on January 26, 2025.
Also Read :- INMO Third Stage Exam Result 2025 Release Soon: How to Check
INMO Third Stage Answer key 2025: Releasing date
INMO Answer key Releasing Date | January 26, 2025 |
Official Website | |
INMO Third Stage Exam 2025: Mathematics Problem Solving
The INMO is intended to assess student mathematics skills with an emphasis on creativity, problem-solving, and logical thinking. Algebra, number theory, geometry, and combinatorics are only a few of the many subjects it covers.
INMO Exam 2025: Stages of Mathematical Olympiad
Stage-1: Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics (IOQM)
Objective: This stage is designed to test a student’s fundamental understanding of mathematics and problem-solving skills.
Stage-2: Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO)
Objective: Evaluates the ability to solve complex mathematical problems and provides a deeper insight into a student’s reasoning and analytical skills.
The Indian National Mathematical Olympiad Training Camps (INMOTC) are held at regional Levels where students are trained for the INMO.
Stage-3: Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO)
Objective: Identifies the top-performing students who will advance to further training and represent India at the international level.
Stage -4: IMO Training Camp (IMOTC)
Objective: Prepares students for the IMO by focusing on key areas like algebra, geometry, number theory, and combinatorics.
PDC (Pre-Departure Camp for IMO)
The Selected team of 6 Students undergoes a rigorous training Programme for about a to days at HBCSE prior to its departure for the IMO.
Stage-5: International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)
Objective: To assess creativity, depth of understanding, and problem-solving ability at the international level.
How to Download INMO Third Stage Answer Key 2025 ?
Candidates can download the INMO third stage answer key 2025 from the official website of HBCSE. Here are the steps to download the answer key:
Step-1: Visit the official website of HBCSE.
Step-2: Click on the “INMO” tab
Step-3: Select the “Third Stage Answer Key” option
Step-4: Enter your login credentials (if required)
Step-5: Download the answer key in PDF format
INMO Third Stage 2025: Exam Pattern
The INMO third stage exam is a 4.5 hours exam that consists of six problems. The exam is conducted in two sessions, with three problems in each session. Candidates are required to solve the problems and submit their answers in the given time frame.
Duration Of Exam – 4.5 hours
Each Queston requires writing detailed proof.
Total Seats – 30
Students of Class VIII to XII (8-12) are eligible to appear for the first stage of mathematical Olympiad provided they fulfill other criteria.
The Olympiads do not lead directly to any career benefits; rather, they provide a stimulus to begin a career in science or mathematics, to undertake a lifelong journey into the realms of exciting intellectual challenges.
The answer key is expected to be released on January 26, 2025.
Students admitted for 3 years Diploma after Class X are not eligible to enroll for IOQM.