
Haryana CET Electrical Engineering Syllabus 2025 for Group C & D Posts

Haryana CET Electrical Engineering Syllabus 2025

Here is a suggested syllabus for Haryana CET (Common Eligibility Test) for Electrical Engineering Jobs  under Group C & D 2025. The syllabus may different according to the so candidates can check all syllabus of Group C and D post here post wise.

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Group C Including Post is  Building Materials and Construction Techniques, Surveying and Leveling, Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures, Steel Structures and Design of Steel Structures, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering (Highways and Bridges), Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control, Building Codes and Standards etc. 

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Group D Including Post –  Basic Civil Engineering,  Building Drawing and Estimating, Building Services (Plumbing, Sanitation, and Electrical), Construction Management and Safety, Quantity Surveying and Contract Management, Civil Engineering Materials and Testing, Road and Highway Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering, Basic Computer Applications in Civil Engineering.

Haryana CET Electrical Engineering Jobs Marks Weightage 

Topics Marks Weightage 
General awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, Science, History including Haryana related history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc.20%
Computer terminology, Fundamentals, word software, excel software, Power point, internet, web browsing, Communication, emails, downloading and uploading data on websites etc.10%
Subject related syllabus70%
Total 100%

Haryana CET Syllabus 2025  Electrical Engineering Jobs (Level- Matric+ Diploma in Electrical Engineering)

FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGIntroduction Application and Advantages of Electrical Energy, Basic Electrical Quantities  DC Circuits Batteries Magnetism and Electromagnetism  Electromagnetic Induction
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING MATERIALSClassification  Conducting Materials  Review of Semi-conducting Materials  Insulating materials; General Properties Insulating Materials and their applications  Magnetic Materials Special Materials  Introduction of various engineering materials necessary for fabrication of electrical machines such as motors, generators, transformers etc.
ELECTRONICSTransistor Audio Power Amplifier  Tuned Voltage Amplifier  Feedback in Amplifiers  Sinusoidal Oscillators  Wave-Shaping and Switching Circuits  Power supplies Operational Amplifier
) ESTIMATING AND COSTING IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGIntroduction  Types of Wiring  Estimating and Costing Estimating Materials Required
ELECTRICAL MACHINESIntroduction to Electrical Machines  DC Machines  Single Phase Transformer  Three Phase Transformer  Three-Phase Induction Motors  Single Phase Motors  Single phase induction motors; Construction characteristics, specifications and applications Special Purpose Machines; Linear induction motor, Stepper motor, A.C. Servomotor, Submersible motor
ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATIONIntroduction to Electrical Measuring Instruments Ammeters and Voltmeters (Moving coil and moving iron type) Wattmeter’s (Dynamometer Type) Energy meter  Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments: Megger, frequency meter, multimeter Electronic Instruments: CRO, Digital multimeter LCR meters Power Measurements in 3-phase circuits by  Measurements of resistances
UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGYElectric Heating Electric Welding  Electrolytic Processes Electrical Circuits used in Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Water Coolers Electric Drives Electric Traction
) DIGITAL ELECTRONICSNumber Systems  Gates  Boolean Algebra  Combinational Circuits  Flip-Flops  Introduction of Shift Registers and Counters  A/D and D/A Converters  Semi-conductor Memories
) ELECTRICAL POWERPower Generation  Economics of Generation  Transmission Systems  Distribution System  Substations  Power Factor  Faults 8. Switch Gears  Protection Devices  Protection Scheme  Over-voltage Protection  Various Types of Tariffs
PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS AND MICRO CONTROLLERSIntroduction to PLC  Working of PLC  Instruction Set  Ladder Diagram Programming  Applications of PLCs  Introduction to SCADA  Micro Controller Series (MCS)-51 Over View Instruction Set and Addressing Modes  Assembly language programming Design and Interface Application of Micro controllers
INSTRUMENTATIONMeasurements: Static and dynamic characteristics of Instruments, Errors. Transducers: Classifications, Electrical transducers Measurement of Displacement and Strain Force and Torque Measurement Pressure Measurement Flow Measurement Measurement of Temperature Measurement of other non-electrical quantities such as humidity, pH level and vibrations
SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCECheck site conditions, collect tools and raw materials  Installation of Solar Panel  Coordinate colleagues at work  Safety at workplace  Concept of Solar Tracking System
NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCESBasic of Energy Solar Energy Bio-energy Wind Energy Geo-thermal and Tidal Energy Magneto Hydro Dynamic (MHD) Power Generation Fuel Cells 8. Hydro Energy – Mini & Micro hydro plants
ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENTLighting System  Energy Conservation and EC Act 2001  Energy Audit Electrical Supply System and Motors Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities. General Energy Saving Tips  Energy Conservation Building Code
) INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND CONTROL OF DRIVESIntroduction to SCR  Controlled Rectifiers  Inverters, Choppers, Dual Converters and Cyclo-Convertors  Thyristor Control of Electric Drives  Uninterrupted power supplies

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