3D Printing in the Medical Field


3D printing & 3D printing enable you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods. Technology is constantly evolving, and now innumerable industries are taking advantage of 3D printing. 3D printing is one of the newest technologies in which a material is joined or solidified under computer control creating a three-dimensional object. Basically, the 3D-printed object is achieved using additive processes. 3D printing has many functions in a variety of industries, but its contribution to medicine is terrific.

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As per SkyQuest analysis, healthcare is to generate a revenue of $5.8 billion by 2030. 


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Recruiting Companies

BARC, Bharat Electronics Limited, Bosch Ltd, Broadcom Corporation, DRDO Electronics Corporation of India, HCL, Hindustan AeronauticsLtd, HONEYWELL

Institutions for 3 D Printing

  • NIELIT Government Institute
  • Technobotics India Mumbai
  • CADD Centre Mumbai
  • NTTF Banglore

Now, many lives can be saved with the help of 3D printing. Take a look:

1. Creation of artificial organs

Around 26 million people worldwide are suffering from heart problems and there are not enough donors to do transplants. But, now with 3D printing, various organs can be created using the patient’s own cells. In the coming time, we will see that 3D printers will help print human organs in no time and can easily be transplanted into a real human body. Even burnt people can get their new skin with the help of 3D printing skin grafts that can be applied directly to burn victims.

2. Origin of surgical instruments

Sterile surgical instruments, like – hemostats, forceps, scalpel handles and clamps can be produced using 3D printers. Based on the ancient Japanese practice of origami, they can be made really small. These tiny instruments can easily be operated on tiny areas without causing unnecessary damage to the patient. 

3. Produce prosthetic limbs

Losing a limb can cause not only physical but a psychological setbacks on the patient’s mind. But with 3D printing technology, you can walk on your own just like before.  This technology allows the patient to design a prosthetic corresponding directly to their needs. This new system allows patients to model their prosthetics on their own limbs through scanning & create a more natural fit and appearance. Prosthetic limbs will allow each finger to be moved independently and with varying speeds, creating a scope for different gripping modes and movements to be made.

4. 3D printed drugs

Not only prosthetic limbs/artificial organs/surgical instruments, but 3D printing technology is helpful in increasing drug efficacy too, by reducing variability. 3D printing allows for faster pre-clinical evaluations of new drugs and could also be used to allow various iterations of a new drug to be manufactured more quickly and cheaply. 

5. Living Tattoos

Flaunt your style while getting healed. Confused? Well, a research team from ETH Zurich is creating a tattoo that can heal your skin deeply and keep you healthy. With 3D printing platforms, they use living matter like bacteria. They are mixed with hydrogel and nutrients, along with the ink. It is expected that this kind of tattoo will offer pain relief. There will be variation in benefits basis the type of bacterial strain you use.

6. Healthy food

Last but not least, you will no more be deprived of nutritional value, thanks to 3D food printing. Some of the retirement homes in Germany are already utilizing this technology where aged people can easily swallow the food. This is done by mashing the vegetables and creating softer moulds out of them. The best thing is that both the shape and nutritional shape is retained in the process.

3D printing has already brought miraculous inventions that were beyond our expectations, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. With numerous researches related to 3D printing, it is much more to come including a mechanism to improve the lifespan of humans in future. These applications signal the exponential increase in the demand for 3D printing professionals in the future. 

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Last updated on August 17th, 2023 at 07:43 am

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